Wednesday 6 March 2013

Introduction to Semiotics

Semiology is an attempt to create a science of the study of signs, systems and their role in the construction and reconstruction of meaning in media texts.

The theorists of this Semiotics are Rolan Barthes, Ferdinand de Saussure and Charles Pierce.

Semiotics is "the study of signs that help us deconstruct Media Texts". What this means is that we look at representations within media texts (any outlet of media), and we use them to understand the subtextual meaning of that media text.

A system of signs, languages or symbols that allow audiences to decode meaning. In simpler terms, this is a collaboration of signs to implement a meaning behind it. Examples usually derive from technical and symbolic codes, or narrative codes. In our trailer, we will collaborate a variety of shots to ensure that it is known that the girl who commits suicide is the killer. This will include running shots, distorted shots, and possibly an eerie voiceover.

The various meanings/suggestions produced by the sign. For example, in our trailer, we could use destauration of shots to show the colour and vibrance being sucked out of life. We could further evaluate and say that this is the life of the protagonists that are suggestively being abducted. It could be said that they become much more weary of their surroundings, and become cautious of their own well being rather than enjoying life as they did before.

The Process where meaning is deconstructed or 'read' by audiences

The physical form of the sign.

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